<![CDATA[Robyn Few: sex worker rights freedom fighter - Blog]]>Sat, 15 Mar 2025 02:33:26 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Acknowleding more than one year without Robyn]]>Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:43:22 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/acknowleding-more-than-one-year-without-robynPicture
Robyn and Blaze, Chico, CA, December 2011
Last year on September 13, 2012 Robyn Few stepped off this mortal coil. But before we all pull out our hankies, let's remember the powerful force that she was in that last period of her life. She achieved so many things in the almost nine months since knowing that limited treatment options existed and that the cancer had returned.

Late in December 2011 when she got the call from her oncologist I was there with her at her place in Chico, the small cottage in the woods. I remember that she lay down on the couch for what seemed to be a day, unusually silent. But as the days progressed she made a hundred plans and as summer edged towards its end the following year she had carried out 99 of them. She (with a little help) emptied the storage garage, she gave away the Barbie dolls to little girls like Blaze and her granddaughter Jamie exhorting them to rip open the boxes she had kept closed for some many years. She tasted wine and saw the red umbrellas in South Africa, she travelled to Tucson in the back of a truck looking up at the stars. She was on conference calls for her organization, she recorded her thoughts about sex worker rights. She spent time with her newly born grandson, she watched Never on a Sunday, she went to Palm Springs with a posse, she doted on Boris (Parker), she got married again, she made it back to her parents' place in Kentucky and she set Zeke free.

She did all of this with almost no resources, she wasn't a wealthy person, she often lived day to day. She did not put off doing until tomorrow because she knew that there were not many more days. And she faced those days like an amazon. Farewell again dear Robyn.

<![CDATA[Some thoughts for Robyn as she goes into treatment again]]>Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:24:59 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/some-thoughts-for-robyn-as-she-goes-into-treatment-againFrom Sandy G: Robyn, your strength will carry you through troubled waters.
<![CDATA[Don't mess with Robyn]]>Sat, 06 Mar 2010 08:00:00 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/post-title-click-and-type-to-editNot only is she kicking cancer's butt, she is also fighting back foliage. Our lady at work on her garden in Novato.
<![CDATA[Human Rights Commission, everybody active too]]>Thu, 04 Mar 2010 08:00:00 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/human-rights-commission-everybody-active-tooPicture
Robyn and friends after an excellent two hour long meeting with the SF Human Rights Commission (the topic, violence against transgender sex workers). The commissioners seemed supportive, much follow up work to do. We had lunch at an over priced cafe and then a large rally for California teachers danced on past. We joined it. Blaze loved the drumming and dancing.

<![CDATA["We long for freedom for sex workers" (March 3rd at Robyn's)]]>Wed, 03 Mar 2010 08:00:00 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/we-long-for-freedom-for-sex-workers-march-3rd-at-robynsTen of us converged on Robyn's house tonight to celebrate March 3, the International Sex Worker Rights Day, with her. She is the best host, had filled the house with food, but she is not eating enough herself (worry, worry). Together we formed a poem. You know the kind where you write a poem on a page, rolling up each line so it turns out groovy, stream of consciousness. Robyn read the poem as the sun set, kids ran around the room, chased by dogs and our friends banged pans together in the kitchen, cooking away.
<![CDATA[Real live sightings of real live Robyn]]>Tue, 02 Feb 2010 07:30:29 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/real-live-sightings-of-real-live-robynOut in the Bay Area staying with Robyn. Dragged her out to Carol Leigh's ribbon cutting ceremony for the Sex Worker Media Library. Even though she's only been out of hospital since January 29, she dressed up like a trouper and had a great night. Have photos to prove it.
<![CDATA[Great news!]]>Wed, 06 Jan 2010 20:44:50 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/great-newsJust spoke to Robyn. Chemotherapy is working, she will only need to get one more round of chemotherapy for now. "The doctor said I am in remission," Robyn told me. She will get a year of another type of treatment that may make her eligible for a  transplant that will solve the cancer problem once and for all. She feels great because she has something to work towards.]]><![CDATA[Chance to help by direct action]]>Mon, 04 Jan 2010 03:41:59 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/chance-to-help-by-direct-actionDonate to the Robyn Fund to help her pay for treatment and the other care she needs. She recently was denied access to a scientific study that would have provided her with a bone marrow  transplant. We need to find another way to pay for state of the art treatment to keep Robyn here with us alive and well. ]]><![CDATA[Happy new year from Robyn!]]>Fri, 01 Jan 2010 21:41:06 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/happy-new-year-from-robyn just got this email from Robyn, it went out to the lists so I think okay to put a bit of it here. She wrote, "Please do not forget who you are and be proud of what you do everyday. I am going through a lot of self searching at this time in my life and have found it extremely hard and liberating. I find myself contemplating life after death and what could be next. I pray (I have never used this term before, but I find myself doing it a lot) that the year will be better for us all.  Hope you all had fun last night and that you have a speedy recovery today. I am sending as much love as I can to you all." 
<![CDATA[Looking fabulous]]>Fri, 25 Dec 2009 21:23:11 GMThttp://robynfew.com/blog/looking-fabulousJust heard from Carol Queen that Robyn was out and about on December 17 looking fabulous. Anyone have any photos? It would be great to have some of Robyn at the most recent day of remembrance to put on the site.]]>